
Strategic Objectives
Socio-Economic Contribution
To undertake research and publications that influence policy and contributes to the socio-economic needs of workers and their communities.Capacity Building
To build and maintain the capability and capacity of the organisation to deliver on its mandateCorporate Governance
To ensure the development and implementation of effective and efficient internal systems, processes and good corporate Governance practicesFinancial Sustainability
To ensure prudent financial management and sustainability of the organisation and to ensure that SATRI is strategically positioned with all relevant stakeholdersSecondary Objectives
Disseminating Information
Disseminate research findings to wider society in order to influence opinions, get constructive inputs and create visibility of the Institute within national and international research communities.Providing Mentorship
Provide mentorship/ training opportunities to young people and novice researchers in undertaking applied research on issues relevant to the welfare and sustainable livelihoods of workers.Capacity Building
Build and maintain the capability and capacity of the institute to deliver on its mandate and ensure that SATRI is strategically positioned with all relevant stakeholders.
Our Stakeholders